Strive Program

CLA’s Strive program lets us provide “no wrong door” service, thanks to the United Way. CLA helps learners in rural areas, people who don’t qualify for our other programs, and those needing additional supports.


Full Support: Strive takes a whole-person approach, giving individual help with each person’s challenges and goals.

Building Skills: The program offers different kinds of support and training, like gaining confidence and feeling good about themselves.

Getting Involved in the Community: Strive helps people connect with others by sharing info about community resources and organizing public workshops.



Understanding Needs: Strive does thorough assessments to figure out what each person is struggling with so they can get the right kind of help.

Training and Coaching: People in the program can choose from different training sessions and workshops, either one-on-one or in groups, based on what they need.

Connecting with the Community: Strive works with partners to get support from the community, help people interact with each other, and do things together.


In short, Strive is a program that goes beyond the basics, tailoring support to individual needs, boosting skills, and connecting participants with their community.